UTC turns over first batch of #ShareTheLovePH Banale Masks
Buy a mask, share the love. It’s been a year and our frontliners tirelessly continue to give their time and effort to fight the battle against the global pandemic. These front liners spend most of their days away from their families, loved ones - and risk their lives to help those in need.

This partnership aims to support and care for our masked heroes. This challenging time serves as an opportunity to give our frontliners the additional protection they need through the Banale Active Masks. When you purchase the Limited Edition Banale #ShareTheLove Active Masks, one mask also goes to our frontliners at the FEU-NRMF Nursing Service Division.

FEU-NRMF Nursing Services Division, headed by Chief Nurse Earl A. Salavante, RN, MAN receives the initial #ShareTheLovePH Banale Masks
The first batch of masks have been turned over to the FEU-NRMF nurses, but YOU can still make a difference as the campaign is still ongoing.
“We just want to give back to our frontliners,” says Hans Kenner Fernandez, Chief Curator of Urban Traveller & Co. “With #ShareTheLovePH, we’re also hoping to send the message that the simple act of wearing a mask is life-saving.”
The Banale Active Mask provides ample protection while providing complete comfort. It’s made of a porous filtering technology that entraps pollens and big dusts while preventing germs, bacteria, and UV light to pass through. In addition, it’s washable and pocketable making it the ideal hand-carry in the new normal.
Take part and make a difference today.